The armpit area is quite sensitive, so epilation in this area is accompanied by painful sensations. To reduce pain sensitivity, topical anesthetics are used. They allow you to reduce pain sensitivity, and minimize the risk of inflammation and swelling after the procedure. If you are undergoing a procedure with a specialist, ask him how to anesthetize your armpits and what anesthetics he uses.
Benefits of Using Pain Relief Cream
In cosmetology, the use of infiltration and application of anesthesia is justified. Unlike infiltration anesthesia, which is based on the injection of anesthetics under the skin, application anesthesia has a minimal traumatic index. Drugs with an analgesic effect are applied to intact skin and reduce pain by penetrating deeper layers.
Goosica Numbing cream contains two anesthetics, lidocaine, and prilocaine in a 1:1 ratio, providing a synergistic effect. This composition provides better pain relief than a one-component one based only on lidocaine.
Injections mean additional stress and damage to the integrity of the skin. The armpits are a fairly delicate area, and hair removal does not affect deep-lying structures, so there is no need for injections before the procedure.
Features of Using Anesthetic Cream for Hair Removal
Goosica Numbing cream can relieve pain before epilating the armpit area at home. This is a registered medicinal product that is manufactured by international quality standards GMP.

Before applying it to the skin, the armpit area must be cleaned. The cream is applied in a thick layer. The use of an occlusive dressing (usually cling film) helps create optimal conditions for better penetration of anesthetic agents.
Anesthetic cream Goosica Numbing is applied to intact skin under an occlusive dressing. The recommended exposure time is 60 minutes. If the pain threshold is low, you can increase the time up to 5 hours. The effect of the drug, when used by the instructions, lasts up to 2 hours.
Before the procedure, the remaining cream is removed. If wax or sugar paste removes hair, the skin must be dehydrated. It should be taken into account that the level of pain is affected by the knowledge of hair removal techniques. It is inconvenient to remove armpit hair on your own; it is better to get help or consult a cosmetologist.